okroginator Apr 15, 2010 22:58
english major derpery, asdhjdksl, fanfiction, crazy random has gone insane, holy shit quotient: over 9000, oh my god this, kallen is awesomeness personified, best. destiny. ever., baaaaaaaaaaaw, spoilery, aaaaaaaaaaaaaah, sob, i make stupid metaphors, fandorking, derp derp derp, code geass, i can has knowledge, fangirling, suzaku: definition of woobie, this post needs a lot of tags, big brother complex, yesssssssssss, random has an addiction, waah waah waah, random likes exprosions, geekery, being productive, very awesome want moar, double hell raiser with cheese, lelouch you giant spaz
okroginator Feb 18, 2010 23:50
a magical thing of hope and wonder, asdhjdksl, crazy random has gone insane, holy shit quotient: over 9000, oh my god this, dancing, kallen is awesomeness personified, best. destiny. ever., symbolismmmmm, aaaaaaaaaaaaaah, fandorking, code geass, caps lock, dynamic entry, suzaku: definition of woobie, lol i can has villainy, big brother complex, yesssssssssss, random has an addiction, keysmashing for great justice, epic win, geekery, double hell raiser with cheese, very awesome want moar, lelouch you giant spaz
okroginator Aug 09, 2009 21:40
code geass, wonderful spam lovely spam, suzaku: definition of woobie, tv tropes, lelouch you giant spaz, eeeeeehhhhhhhhh??????
okroginator Aug 09, 2009 10:55
asdhjdksl, crazy random has gone insane, oh my god this, eeeeeehhhhhhhhh??????, baaaaaaaaaaaw, spoilery, what is this madness, sob, code geass, tragic things make random sadface, caps lock, warning: brain-breakage, this post needs a lot of tags, lol i can has villainy, suzaku: definition of woobie, lelouch you giant spaz
okroginator Jul 28, 2009 00:40
random disconnected babble, tangent whiplash, code geass, suzaku: definition of woobie, lalala love lala
okroginator Jul 26, 2009 22:30
code geass, moeeee, suzaku: definition of woobie, big brother complex